Can you believe it? Christmas is next week and the year is almost over! The days are flying by, and the holiday season is upon us, so get excited and brace your Facebook feed, because that also means it’s engagement season! After capturing over a dozen proposals, and with so many guys getting ready to drop to a knee, we wanted to share some tips on how to master the proposal! We’re so pumped to share part two of our proposal series. If you missed the first post, go check out Larc Jewels here to learn all about picking the perfect ring!
- Anticipate everything. No, we don’t mean that she might say no, but anticipate what might happen if things don’t go exactly according to plan. What if she’s late, what if she doesn’t go where you said, what if the hot air balloon can’t fly in the bad weather? And if you’re considering the later, is she afraid of heights? Be ready for anything!
- Send her to get her nails done. This one’s tricky, but she’ll definitely appreciate you for it! Unless a date at the nail salon is commonplace for the two of you, any mention from you of having her nails done will tip her off. Instead, have her sister or a close girlfriend of hers take her out for a manicure that morning or the day before. Make sure it’s someone who the invitation wouldn’t seem odd coming from. On that date, find a way to make sure she’s wearing something nice as well!
- Don’t just propose – go for the wow. Give her a great story to tell! Whether it’s a place that’s very special for the two of you, or it involves something out of the ordinary, go for the wow factor. Just think, you’ll both be telling this story over and over again, especially in the coming weeks and months, so give her a great story she’ll be excited to tell! And if you’re stumped for ideas, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Planning for Dudes is a local company that specializes in proposals, and they can do everything from brainstorming with you to helping execute the master plan!
- Woo her with words – A lot of guys think they’ll be able to speak from their heart when that moment comes right before dropping to the knee, but honestly, you’re probably going to be so nervous that you’ll draw a blank. Unless you’re usually good at speaking off the cuff, we definitely recommend planning out those carefully chosen words. And I don’t mean, will you marry me. Lead up to the question with some sweet words from the heart.
- Get a ring box with a light – If you’re considering proposing at night or where it may be dark, get a ring box with a light in it!
- Hire a photographer and videographer – Not only would we love to help you capture the moment, but it makes for such a special keepsake to have it documented. Proposals tend to be more private and full of surprises so we’ve seen some really adorable and priceless reactions. Our thought is, if you’re going to put that much time, planning and money into a such sentimental moment, why wouldn’t you want it documented? She’ll thank you too! When you hire us to film and/or photograph the proposal, we also help you choose a location if you haven’t already, advise you about lighting and take some “OHMYGOSH WE’RE ENGAGED” portraits immediately following, which in our opinion, are some of the best kinds of pictures ever. There’s just no smiles like those we’ve seen right after a proposal! We also share the photos with you quickly so you can blast social media with the exciting news!
So with all that said, here’s a handful of sweet proposals we’ve had the privilege of capturing in past year.

So if you’re planning on proposing this holiday season, or know someone that is, we hope these tips are helpful!
To view more proposals click here.
To inquire for proposal pricing click here.