Bumpdate #2: First Sonogram & Baby Burns Big Reveal Party


Time is seriously flying by, y’all. I’m 21 weeks already! Someone tell me how this is already halfway over!  It was a super busy week, which means this is an action packed photo post! We got to see sweet Baby Burns at a sonogram, had my 20 week appointment, and then of course had the big reveal! Don’t forget to scroll down for the reveal photo and the video!

Maternity clothes: Yup, I’m definitely there. We officially made my first shopping trip to get a few things because my available wardrobe was definitely shrinking. This week I even officially had my first breakdown when I couldn’t find something to wear.  Tyler may describe it more like a meltdown though. Haha I knew it was bound to happen soon!

Loving: I love feeling the baby move, it’s so sweet to have such daily reminders of our little boy!

Loathing:  Not being able to sleep on my stomach. I’m 100% a stomach sleeper and sometimes it’s still comfortable to do it, but most of the time it’s not, so I’m having to force myself to sleep on my side. And the middle of the night bathroom trips have started – not a fan of those either. I’m also hating what feels like my insatiable appetite.

Movement: I’m definitely noticing his movements a lot more, now that I know what they feel like! One day I was pretty sure he was having a dance party in there!

Symptoms: Preggo brain has definitely struck a few times this week, and MAN am I having the most vivid wild dreams! They’re not even baby-related, they’re just wild and crazy! My sweet tooth has been acting up too – it’s probably because all of those leftover cupcakes and cookies from the party are still here!

Best part of the week: Obviously the gender reveal! It was SO much fun being surrounded by so many people we love and finding out with them.  More on that later, and of course photos and video!

Worst part of the week: Realizing I can’t just walk into ANY store anymore and shop for something new. However, I kind of like the simplicity of maternity clothes shopping – less options means a much less overwhelmed Lindsey. Tyler said it’s like man shopping.

Missing most: Lately I’ve been missing some of my favorite shirts that just don’t fit. :(

Can’t wait for: I’m looking forward to searching for a name together! Everyone keeps asking us if we had names but after seeing how hard it was to search for both genders, we decided to wait till the reveal. Now that we know it’s a boy, the search is on and everywhere I go I’m paying attention to names I see and hear.

A special thank you goes out to our sweet friend Hannah for capturing the gender reveal for us and for everyone who came and celebrated with us! It was so much fun to find out with so many of our favorite people!


Banjo did NOT like being left out, but unfortunately after his recent runaway, we just weren’t ready to risk it with the front door opening and closing so much! So he was banished to what will be the nursery. Sorry bud!



Tyler built an AWESOME red button for us to push to set off the canon and it was the perfect touch!



I love how we look like we won the lottery!


In honor of my mom, we did a balloon release to share our exciting news with her.


And here’s the video of the reveal!

You can catch up on our other pregnancy posts here:

Our “Family Feud Audition” and more

Bumpdate: 18 weeks – Moving, Banjo’s Adventure & Feeling The First Kicks



